Why I love Mindvalley

My go-to hub for personal & professional growth,

and Community of like-minded humans!

In a time where information and programs and courses are everywhere, it can be so overwhelming to know where to invest your money and time. So overwhelming that you may just avoid the decision all together.

For me (after many hours of investigation and consideration) there is only one place I go – that is Mindvalley!

Mindvalley partners with so many of my favourite teachers and share my passion for life-transforming education that pushes humanity forward.

They have programs for virtually every area of life.

With a huge variety of programs to choose from – it’s like the best Christmas stocking ever – and one that lasts a whole year with an annual membership!

From personal growth to professional growth, spirituality, health & fitness, financial health, relationships, parenting – programs on ALL the pillars of integrative health and well being are included!

My favourite Mindvalley Programs

Looking to elevate your health and fitness?

You have access to world renowned biohacker, Ben Greenfield’s Longevity Blueprint Quest. Or the one I did this year Lee Holden’s Modern Qi Gong.

Knowing that stress is my biggest foe when it comes to my health and wellness, and not being a fan of “sitting still” types of meditation, I turned to movement meditation in the form of Qi Gong. For just 20 minutes each day for 30-days you’re immersed in ‘Qi time’: where you experience a direct connection with your own life force energy, and the energy all around you. A great way to start the day (do it BEFORE the kids wake up when there is stillness all around).

Watch the free masterclasses for inspiration

Mindvalley Masterclass Qi Gong Lee Holden

Need support on your conscious-parenting journey?

Dr. Shefali is who I turn to when I’m lostand confused in my role as “Mom”.

In her 35-day Conscious Parenting Mastery program you’ll join Dr. Shefali for just 20 – 30 minutes per day.

You’ll be elevated beyond the myths and illusions of the traditional parenting model – while armed with the tools and guidance you need to raise your level of consciousness, and nurture a deep, meaningful connection with your child.

Watch the preview for inspiration

Mindvalley masterclass conscious parenting with Dr Shefali

Are you navigating a divorce or the ending of a partnership?

People often asked me how I handled my divorce with such grace and fortitude.

It was simply because a gift from a friend – Katherine Woodward Thomas’ Conscious Uncoupling Quest.

I recommend this to ALL my friends who find themselves in the throes of the ending of a partnership.

I just cannot recommend it highly enough!

Conscious Uncoupling is designed to help you heal the wounds of your heart and free yourself from the pain, overwhelm, and grief of your breakup.

You’ll spend just 20 minutes per day – 20 minutes that will save you years of grief, regret and heartache!

Watch the preview for inspiration

mindvalley masterclass conscious uncoupling program

Want to  learn how to harness the hidden energy of your living space?

This is another program I did this year.

Learn how to use Feng Shui in your home with Marie Diamond’s Feng Shui for Life.

Marie is one of the Western world’s most in-demand Feng Shui masters – celebrated for her uncanny ability to deconstruct ancient energetic methodologies into simple (and often intimately personalised) adjustments anyone can make to instantly channel positive energy into their living spaces and lives.!

By the end of the program, you’ll have transformed all your living and working spaces to flourish in alignment with both universal Feng Shui principles, and your own Personal Energy Number.

My friend followed her guidance and went from bankrupt to millionaire in one year. For real life!

Watch the FREE masterclass for inspiration


Want to reprogram your mind so you become an abundance magnet?

Join the UK’s #1 hypnotherapist, Marisa Peer’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest.

Or how about gaining more personal mastery at work and in life?

You can choose between the legendary Robin Sharma’s Hero. Genius. Legend. Quest or famous MBA professor, Srikumar Rao’s The Quest for Personal Mastery. (Or you could do both!)

You see… the options are quite limitless. 😉

What are you waiting for?

Do something today that your future self will thank you for!

Purchased individually, the total retail value for all 20+ Quests and Courses is $7580. 

With Mindvalley Membership, you get 12-month unlimited access to Mindvalley’s ENTIRE vault of online Quests and Online Courses, and any upcoming Quests within your subscription period.


40% off on Mindvalley Membership – FOR LIFE!

Get unlimited access to every Mindvalley program with a lifetime 40% off subscription to the world’s premier life transformation platform

WAS $499/year

NOW $299/year (or $59/month)

One pass.

All the Quests and Courses.

Immediate access.