

— About Catherine Barnhoorn

Hi! I am Catherine. I'm so happy you've joined me.

I help moms master the art & science of nourishing themselves well.

I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, mom, award-winning nutrition & cookbook author, founder of Mila’s Meals and… Crone.

My medicine of choice is the food on our plate as well as 5 key Primary Foods (Movement, Life Purpose, Spirituality, Relationships & Environment). 

I look forward to supporting you on your journey back to wholeness & wellness.

Catherine Barnhoorn Health Coach

My Work

Besides coaching private clients, writing & publishing my book (twice!) and creating meal plans, I also work as a nutrition strategist for health food brands, as a medical practice health coach for various Integrative Medical Doctors and an online educator and public speaker.

I am an active member of The South African Society for Integrative Medicine (SASIM) and the Nutrition Network.

My Education & Training

In my ‘previous life’  (that is before becoming a mom and my health & wellness awakening!) I was a graphic designer and branding consultant in London, Johannesburg and Cape Town. 

My Wellness Journey

Catherine Barnhoorn

In my thirties I healed from various health challenges and autoimmune conditions (Endometriosis, Candida, Leaky Gut and severe Eczema) through changes to my diet and lifestyle. 

As a new mom I noticed that my daughter (Mila) reacted badly to the same foods as I did (even while she was still breastfeeding), so I made the decision to raise Mila on a “free-from” diet – that is, gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar-free. 

When I couldn’t find a recipe and nutrition book which taught me how to feed and nourish a baby with food intolerances, I set to work educating myself about food, nutrition, and nourishment (by studying to be an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and 3 years of research) and getting creative in the kitchen. 

The result was Mila’s Meals: The Beginning & The Basics – a multiple award-winning 500-page tome of gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free recipes and nourishment which teaches parents how to use food as medicine.

You can find out more and follow our ‘free-from’ journey at www.milasmeals.co.za

But Health is a journey, not a destination!

In the past four years, I have had to learn more and experiment more during my transition from Mother into Crone.

My surprise and early journey through “second puberty” (aka menopause) brought me past traumas returning to be processed, depression, anxiety, adrenal fatigue (aka burn out), systemic inflammation and weight gain. (Yes there were hot flushes too – but I rather enjoyed them – I felt they were like a portable sauna!)

So the journey (and the learning) continues.

My purpose and passion is now to empower mothers as they transition to Crone. Because… let’s be honest… I was unsupported, uniformed and therefore totally disempowered (yes, I feel let down by medical profession in this regard – but also society at large). I did not know how to how to nourish myself well – not only in the transition that is menopause, but in and for what will be the next 40+ years of my life – The Life Phase of Being Crone.

My "Why"

Surviving an armed home invasion in Johannesburg led me to start a new life in the small coastal town of Knysna (South Africa) in order heal from the trauma and to fulfil my ‘If-I-Survive-This’ promise to God to live a life of meaning and in service to others.

My personal journey of overcoming health challenges by re-learning how to nourish myself well, and then figuring out how to raise a child with food intolerances (in the days before gut health was common knowledge) led me to my “How” I could be of service to others.

And so I wrote and published my book.

After getting divorced and becoming financially responsible for myself and my daughter, I was determined to still be a full-time mom first and foremost. I realised I needed to make a living out of / by being a mom! 

And so my health coaching practice was born. 

I am deeply passionate about sharing my experience and knowledge so that other moms can also be empowered to make informed decisions about how to feed and nourish themselves and their children well. 

Not all of us can do great things.

But we can do small things with great love.